Sandwich Series: This is THE Road Trip Sandwich

Sandwich Series: This is THE Road Trip Sandwich

Buckle up, friends! Today, we’re kicking off our summer adventures with the best road trip snacks: a mouthwatering sandwich that’ll have you craving miles of open road.  What’s a road trip without snacks?  A boring commute. Get ready to channel your inner wanderlust with this spicy sweet sandwich that perfectly combines comfort and excitement.

The cab of Will’s truck is the size of a living room. Every time I climb into the passenger seat, having packed the trailer, hitched the trailer to the truck, and helped Will tighten all the very important clamp dingle-boppers, I think it’s time to kick back and relax and let Will drive but NO, friends – it’s time to co-pilot.

Continue reading Sandwich Series: This is THE Road Trip Sandwich at Joy the Baker.


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