Let It Be Sunday! Hello, I’m 38.

Let It Be Sunday! Hello, I’m 38.

Hello friends!  Today’s Sunday post is a bit different.  I turned 38 this weekend and each new year has me feeling reflective of years past.  I stood in my closet yesterday, suddenly deep in my thoughts, staring blankly at a few cotton dresses I might throw on when I thought – wait… did I make like, a five year plan a few years ago?  Did I leave a note for myself?  I know what I’m doing, right!?  

I freaked out for a moment.  Then another moment.  Then I chose a floral cotton dress and took a deep breath.  I’ve been leaving myself notes all along.  For the last 11 years.  Here, for better or worse, with you.  

It’s funny having a record of all the things I’ve been SURE about for the last 11 years, though funny isn’t the right word.

Continue reading Let It Be Sunday! Hello, I’m 38. at Joy the Baker.


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