Let It Be Sunday, 218!

Let It Be Sunday, 218!

Hello friends!

It’s been the most lovely week in New Orleans, mostly because the jasmine is in full bloom filling the air with the most delicious smell, the strawberries are showing off, and musical festival season has started.  We’re feeling very fortunate.  This time of year, New Orleans really shines her magic.  

I’ve committed to taking care of myself this spring and for me that looks like yoga and meditation and really trying to get enough sleep even if that means not going out most nights.  Can I just tell you how much it’s changed my energy levels?  I know time is a true luxury, but my goodness I deeply recommend carving out as much time for yourself as you can.  The steadiness it lends to most days is almost calculable.  

The offering this Sunday is below.

Continue reading Let It Be Sunday, 218! at Joy the Baker.


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