Let It Be Sunday, 207!

Let It Be Sunday, 207!

Hello my dears! 

Welcome to another fine day!  I hope this finds you with, if nothing else, warm feet.  I hate when my feet are cold.  

This week I’ve been putting as much sugar in my coffee as I want because some weeks you remember that life is short and coffee needs sugar. I’ve also been working on a kitchen organizing challenge that I’ll invite you to join me in soon (with very little pressure and expectation).  Making the challenge a thing for you has held me accountable when I’d very much like to slip away and do literally anything besides clean the kitchen.  Making the challenge has also prompted me to clean my refrigerator and roast almost everything in it, see above.  More on all that come next Friday, February 1st. 

I’m headed to New York early next week where I will be wearing a very large lavender coat, taking a few meetings, gazing at this exhibit at the Guggenheim, and drinking a martini with one Cara Nicoletti.  If you see me in the streets, say hey.

Continue reading Let It Be Sunday, 207! at Joy the Baker.


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