Let It Be Sunday, 205!

Let It Be Sunday, 205!

Hello dear friends,

I’m currently in denial about what might be a cold?  A cold because it better not be the flu.  I’m not accepting any mail from the flu.  Part of my denial this weekend involves me roasting a chicken with butter and lemons and making a variation of this lentil soup for next week.  The old wive’s tale is definitely something like ‘feed a cold that you’re denying’ right? 

This week I went to dinner at, inarguably, one of the most special places in New Orleans:  Mosquito Supper Club.  It’s an authentic Cajun restaurant, open three nights a week for one seating each night, communal tables, family style, so many biscuits and so much crab – it’s a perfect evening.   I’m gathering up my other New Orleans favorites to share with you later this week.  It’s an ever evolving list.

Continue reading Let It Be Sunday, 205! at Joy the Baker.


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